Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tutorial on cleaning a bathtub drain

You’re standing in the shower up to your ankles in water.  After your shower or bath the tub takes F-o-r-e-v-e-r to drain or maybe there’s a funky smell in your shower that you just can’t narrow in on, and even after you clean the bathroom your nose says something still isn’t right.  Your drain has become slow and you might be thinking you need to pick up a bottle of drain-o or maybe even call in a plumber.  But wait!  Before you waste any money on this problem, why not give it a shot at fixing the problem yourself- for FREE!!  It’s not difficult, although it might be a little gross.  Some of you will find great satisfaction  in doing this.  I kinda do.
Here are the tools you will need to do the job. A screwdriver (depending on your drain you may need a phillips head instead of a flat head), A pair of skinny pliers, some baking soda(mine is from Target, and you’ve never bought your baking soda at Target, you should, the Market Pantry brand is super cheap, like .29 cents), some vinegar, and a few paper towels. 

Begin by looking at your drain.  Your plug might look different than mine, but they all pretty much are the same in that they unscrew, and then have a screw underneath  that you can remove. I start by removing the top part, that says push on it.  I simply unscrew it with my hand.
Under that it looked like this.
I put a screwdriver in and removed the insert.
Under that you will generally see a +, you may not be able to see it if there is a lot of hair built up.  This + is the  reason that hair gets caught up.  I am doing my teenage daughter’s drain today and she has really long hair.  Long hair means she uses lots of shampoo and conditioner.  Using lots of shampoo and conditioner causes a build up of gunk in the drain, along with a bunch of hair washing down together, and it’s no wonder that the water can no longer get down the drain!  Now comes the gross part.  I’m not going to lie, sometimes the hair, soap, and conditioners smell really bad when you pull them out.  They’re starting to rot. Put your paper towels down in the tub along side of the drain, and pick up your pliers.  Insert them into the drain and pinch and then pull up.  You should come up with a clump of hair.  Make a face and put it in the paper towel.  Continue doing this until the drain looks clear.  I sometimes use a combination of the screwdriver and the pliers if I can’t reach all the hair, and if you don’t have skinny pliers, you may be able to just use your screwdriver, but the pliers are easier.
Here is the grossness that I got today.

Puke right??  The sad part is I did this less than six months ago.  It’s not really anyone’s fault and has nothing to do with how clean you are or how often you clean your tub.  It just accumulates where no one can see it , and until the drain starts having trouble, you don’t really think about it. 
Moving on. . .
The next thing I do is just a great maintenance item.  I pour about a half cup of baking soda down the drain, and then pour in vinegar until it bubbles up to the top of the drain.  I leave that for about 15 minutes, and then pour really hot water (not quite to boiling) down the drain.  This will help disinfect the drain and clean it too.  That’s all there is, now reassemble your plug in reverse of what you needed to do to get it apart. 
Now turn on your water and watch it go down the drain beautifully.  Pat yourself on the back because you just save yourself some money, and by the way, Drain-o won’t clear up this type of problem anyway, it’s not a clog stuck in the drain, it’s stuck on that little + .
I know this is a little gross and if you don’t have the stomach for it, ask your hubby to give it a try before you call someone!
Now the next time your drain runs slow, you will know just what to do.  Hope you found this helpful!  I appreciate you stopping by.


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  1. great advice, thanks :)

    1. As an old English teacher, I had to laugh when you said, "Make a face and put in on the paper towel."

    2. I love it! My daughter would have said the same thing!

  2. Same thing happens in my shower drain, but the blob is too far down for the pliers to reach. I use a wire hanger with a sharp hook (bend the hanger back against itself about an inch from the end) push it as far down the drain as it will go, then slowly pull back. The bigger the hair blob the easier it is go snag and pull out. (When the drain starts to run slowly, it's time!)

    1. Exactly my method..gets a LOT more out!

    2. Excellent advice. I use an old BBQ grill fork. But I like the hanger idea better. I'll give it a try.

  3. Same thing happens in my shower drain, but the blob is too far down for the pliers to reach. I use a wire hanger with a sharp hook (bend the hanger back against itself about an inch from the end) push it as far down the drain as it will go, then slowly pull back. The bigger the hair blob the easier it is go snag and pull out. (When the drain starts to run slowly, it's time!)

  4. Great tutorial on cleaning the bathtub drain. This is important.

  5. Home Depot and Lowe's sell this plastic stick thing called Zip-IT that is made to shove down the drain and pull all this gunk out. It's about $2 and works fantastic!! You're supposed to just throw it away after you use it, but I can usually pull all the hair off easily and reuse.

    1. Me, too. Love those Zip-It things. You can get them @ Walmart, too.

      My daughter & her two teen daughters all have long hair. They use cute little daisy like drain decoration that has a linked chain that hangs down into the drain pipe. Hair and gunk get caught on it, and they can pull it all up & out by lifting the daisy.

    2. I bought one of those plastic Zip-It things and my drain pipe doesn't go straight down and it broke in half. I have no clue how to get that out of there now. The drain is getting slower and slower.

  6. It's true what you said about how much you can save when you fix your own clogged drains instead of paying for someone to work on it. Thank you for sharing this tutorial, and some useful tips and information. However, when things proved to be more than you can handle, I hope you'd be as smart as to seek the expertise of professional plumbers.
    James @ Capital Care Plumbing

    1. Our plumber ALWAYS knew when hubby had tried to fix something and got inover his head. Thank heavens for plumbers!

  7. Nice step-by-step pointers right there. Some drain woes are simple, and can be fixed with the littlest of implements. But these do get all messed up and complex, to the point these just bog down. Times like that need more heavy duty support and assist, especially if you're going to find yourself taking on the piping system.

    Kurt @ Total Plumbing

  8. It doesn’t matter if it’s gross; what matters is it’s free and it works. There are gloves so you won’t have to touch it anyway. As for the smell, just cover your nose with a mask or hanky to block it. Mark @ PurePlumbingService

  9. check out the product called the DrainWig. Looks awesome and should save a little trouble for those of us with lots of long hair.

    1. Description sounds great...definitely giving drainwig a shot! Thanks!

  10. Baking soda and water neutralize each other and so they don't actually create any sort of cleaning reaction--it's best to just use one or the other as they are both great cleaners on their own (just that one is a base while the other is an acid). By using both, you're basically creating a neutral pH substance which won't do anything :-)

    1. no one said baking soda and water, they said baking soda and vinegar and the pictures also show baking soda and vinegar, where did you get water????? some people just want to find fault, at least read before you try and correct someone.

    2. They obvs meant baking soda and vinegar. Their statement is completely true. Water has a nearly neutral ph. back off, anon

    3. Since you seem to like your information to be carefully backed by facts, you will need to learn to also read more carefully BEFORE reacting to it. I "copy" the above advice (which BTW is excellent): "I pour about a half cup of baking soda down the drain, and then pour in vinegar until it bubbles up to the top of the drain. I leave that for about 15 minutes, and then pour really hot water (not quite to boiling) down the drain."

    4. Baking soda and vinegar create a chemical reaction, as one can see in any grade-school science fair. In this reaction expansion occurs rapidly, forcing the build-up of gunk down the drain. Sincerely, your neighborhood chemist.

  11. I've used crumbled up alka-seltzer and vinegar. I have so much hair that clogs my drain, and it really worked and lasted a long time. I have very old pipes and it worked better than those chemicals (Dran-o and the like)! I was very pleased!

    1. What a great idea.

    2. There is such a thing as a drain cover with holes in it that traps the hair before it gets in the drain.

    3. I use a couple on tablets you use to soak/clean dentures with. They work awesome to clean bathroom sink drain. They get rid of the soap and shaving cream build up quick and easy. And I don't even wear dentures.

    4. I'm buying Alka Seltzer. And I'm making a "drain kit" bucket to fill with all these great ideas! Thank you everybody!!!

  12. I use a zip it tool from the hardware store

    you don't have to take the drain apart :-)

  13. FYI a strong shop vac works way better than pliers. Also less gross.

  14. I have to do this quite often for our bathtub drain. My daughter and I both have hair that sheds a lot! I use a long pair of tweezers to get the hair out.They came from a hardware store years ago.

  15. I have been using this for years now my hubby cant believe it but im so blessed no more chemicals in the house vinegar and baking soda has replaced a lot of my cleaning products . I have saved so much money and more importantly my health . all the cleaning products were giving me rashes .. this is wonderful something safe that really works...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Bummer, my drain looks nothing like this! I have serious long hair and this is a major problem! :(

    1. Try using the Zip It tool from DIY It may help

  18. Kathleen Johnson, go buy a Zip It.
    I have hair to my waist, so I have to clean my drain weekly, even with a hair catcher at the drain.
    I don't have the drain like in the pictures's just an open drain with a criss-cross pattern.
    The zip it is amazing......
    It's a plastic piece....goes down without the worry of damaging any drain or pipe parts....give it a twist or two and pull it back out.
    I use it in my bathroom sink as well because, even though I have no idea how my hair gets in the sink, it certainly finds its way to that drain too :/

    1. Awesome. I'm getting that drain cover you have, too. Thanks for the review of the zip thingie.

    2. I don't even have long hair .. but shower becomes clogged by day 2... I have to use the zip-it hair remover literally every other day!! U wouldn't believe what I bring up!! I could swear I should be Bald!! By now!!
      I have tried more things than I can count.. and this is the only thing that actually helps..

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  21. I find it funny that you suggest "asking your hubby to give it a try before you call someone" if you can't handle it. My husband originally started the project and I had to take over because HE couldn't handle it! lol

  22. Next? Teach your daughter how to do it herself!! LOL!

    1. That really is a great tip. Not only because it eases the cleaning load on you but because it teaches the kids in our homes to take responsibility for the tasks they generate!

    2. Yep, I'm making a drain-kit with all these things in it for my daughter's apartment at med school.

  23. Just ordered the Drain Wig from Amazon! Thank you for the tips!

    1. I've been using the drain wig for a few years now. I absolutely love it. I just clean it and reuse it.

  24. you should also buy that strainer that catches hair and other things but still lets water through after you clean it, then you don't have to clean it that often, I just clean the strainer of hair and soak it every few weeks. :)

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  26. why not give it a shot at fixing the problem yourself- for FREE!! It’s not difficult, although it might be a little gross. Some of you will find great satisfaction in doing this. I kinda do. drain stoppage

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  29. Instead of pliers I use hemostats (inexpensive and found in uniform stores for medical personnel). They are thin but also will stay clamped once you grab ahold of the hair. They are good for many other things too.

  30. If the water is actually boiling, does that actually matter at all? I see you use not quite boiling, so I need to ask. I tried the vinegar thing before and it worked only a little bit.

  31. My bathtub drain has been clogged for a week or so now, and I need to get it fixed right away. The problem is is that I don't know how to do it on my own. This being said, I really appreciate you letting me know that I need to pour baking soda then vinegar down the drain and that should fix it. I'll make sure I try this out and hopefully it works for me. Thanks a ton for the tips.

  32. Sometimes you just need the right tool. For me it is Flexisnake (got it at Amazon for 5 bucks). No need to take apart the drain or use any other tool. Just stick it in the drain, and pull it out and be prepared for the sight of all that hair and gunk. Done.

  33. I had no idea that cleaning your drain could be done with simple household tools! I'm impressed that you were able to fix the problem yourself, but I don't know if I would be able to do this myself, and my husband doesn't really have time outside of work. Thus, I'll probably have to call someone to check out the drain for me.

  34. My bathroom sink has been taking a long time to completely drain the water, so perhaps looking at these instructions will help clean it out easier. Removing the drain plug seems like a good step to take for making pulling out all of the hair and gunk easier to pull out of my drain. Pouring baking soda and vinegar could be a good way to clear out the soap scum that's coating my pipes, so maybe I should try this next step to help clear out my bathroom drain. Thanks for the tips!

  35. My bathroom sink has been taking a long time to completely drain the water, so perhaps looking at these instructions will help clean it out easier. Removing the drain plug seems like a good step to take for making pulling out all of the hair and gunk easier to pull out of my drain. Pouring baking soda and vinegar could be a good way to clear out the soap scum that's coating my pipes, so maybe I should try this next step to help clear out my bathroom drain. Thanks for the tips!

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    إذا كنت تعيش في المملكة العربية السعودية أو حولها ، فقد ترغب في طلب المساعدة المهنية من شركة عقارات بالمملكة العربية السعودية. عادة ما تكون الشركات العقارية عبارة عن مجموعة من الوكلاء المتخصصين في تقديم المساعدة لأصحاب المنازل الذين يتطلعون لبيع منزلهم. إذا كنت مهتمًا بطلب المساعدة من شركة العقارات في المملكة العربية السعودية ، فلديك عدد من الطرق للعثور على الشركة المثالية.

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    بالإضافة إلى استخدام دفتر الهاتف المحلي الخاص بك ، يمكنك أيضًا استخدام الإنترنت للعثور على معلومات الاتصال لشركات عقارية متعددة في منطقة الرياض أو حولها. هناك عدد كبير من أدلة الأعمال التجارية عبر الإنترنت ودفاتر الهاتف عبر الإنترنت. يمكنك بسهولة استخدام هذه الموارد للعثور على عدد من وكلاء العقارات المحليين.

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    عند فحص شركة أو وكيل عقاري معين ، ستحتاج أيضًا إلى تحديد طريقة الدفع الخاصة بهم. ستحصل معظم الشركات العقارية على رسومها على أساس نسبة عمولة محددة مسبقًا. سيتم تحديد المبلغ المحدد لهذه النسبة المئوية بالدولار بعد بيع منزلك. مع الكم المناسب من البحث ، من الممكن العثور على شركة عقارات في المملكة العربية السعودية تطلب عمولة بنسبة واحد بالمائة فقط.

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    مصنع صبات خرسانية بالرياض يتميز بتوفير أنواع متعددة من صبات الخرسانية والتي تعتبر من الأسس التي لا غنى عنها في الطرق العامة والموانئ والمطارات وهي مفيدة جدا في العديد من المجالات، ويهتم المصنع بتقديم خدمات متطورة الشكل والحجم.

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    مصنع صبات خرسانية بالرياض يمكن أن يوفر عددًا كبيرًا من الكراسي والمصدات الخرسانية، بالإضافة إلى أدوات الخرسانة الأخرى التي لا غنى عنها في المناطق التي يتم فيها تنفيذ أعمال البناء أو التنقيب أو صيانة المرور.

    من اهم مميزات المصنع العمالة المدربة في انتاج الخرسانة الانشائية لان المصنع يهتم بتدريب العاملين كل عام لفهم وتطور السوق الخارجي ومواكبة كل المستجدات في جميع إنحاء العالم.

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    تستخدم الصب الخرسانية أو البلاستيكية بشكل أساسي لفصل الطرق أو تحديد ممرات المرور.
    يمكن أيضًا استخدام الصبات الخرسانية لإعادة توجيه حركة مرور المركبات على الطرق، ويمكن أيضًا استخدامها لحماية المشاة من الطرق السريعة، سواء كانت مخصصة للطرق سريعة الحركة أو الطرق قيد الإصلاح.
    يمكن استخدام الحواجز الخرسانية لمنع السيارات من الانحراف عن الطريق، أو لإبعاد السيارات عن أجزاء الطريق المتمايلة، مثل الجزء العلوي من الجسر، أو لإبعاد السيارات عن المناطق الجبلية عند القيادة على الطرق الصحراوية.
    أحد الأغراض الرئيسية للحواجز الخرسانية هو حماية المنشآت العامة من خطر الهجمات بالقنابل.
    ينتج مصنع صبات خرسانية بالرياض الحواجز الخرسانية بمختلف أنواعها وأحجامها.
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    يبيع المصنع أنواعًا مختلفة من المنتجات الخرسانية، مثل “الحواجز الخرسانية، والمصدات الخرسانية، والصبات الخرسانية، وقواعد أعمدة الإنارة، وحواجز السفن البحرية، وأحواض الزراعة الخرسانية، والأغطية الخرسانية” بأسعار مناسبة.

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