Thursday, March 28, 2013
Got your Easter pants on?
I created this adorable basket for my teenage daughter, and I’m pretty tickled with it. I bought her these cute shorts she’s been eyeing, and decided that they would make a better basket, than a basket.
I got this air filled plastic chamber with my Neato vaccum and have been saving it for over a year. I always thought it would make a great cooler or container at a picnic, just fill it up with some ice, and chill something on top. I inserted this inside of the shorts and stuffed it with some pink grass.
The grass layed a little low, so I added some newspaper to the bottom. Next I used some Easter ribbon to make a belt, and a handle too. After that I just filled it with candy, make-up and a few pieces of jewelry. It’s so stinkin’ cute, but I’m stealing that insert back, I have plans for that puppy!
I only wish I could think of something as equally cute for my son’s basket. . . .
but what to do with a Nerf gun??!!
Here’s hoppin’ your Easter plans are coming together!!
Linky Parties:
The 36th Avenue
French Country Cottage
Tatertots and Jello Weekend Wrapup
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Easter Fonts
It’s almost time for the Easter Bunny to make his run and I’ve been dealing with sick kids over the last 2 weeks. First my daughter last week, and now my son this week. My daughter is an easy sick one. My son, is however . . . well. . . . a man. He’s whiney and needy and can’t do anything for himself. So needless to say, I‘ve spent a lot of time home this week, but luckily I am an organized person and had all of my Easter goodies bought early. Today I spent getting some things ready for the Bunny’s arrival and needed some fonts. I came across some cute ones, and thought I would share. Just click on the font and it will take you to the download. Enjoy!
Happy Easter to you!
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